Correct Technology

 What is SSL certificate?

 The SSL certificate with the "SECURE SOCKETS LAYER" disclosure is a product that checks the accuracy of site addresses and provides secure transmission of data communications between two points over a encrypted channel. When installed on a web server, it activates the lock button and the https protocol and allows the web server to get a secure connection to the browser. Typically, SSL is used to provide credit card transactions, data transfers and access, and has recently become the norm when browsing social media sites.

SSL certificates are bound together:

Domain name, server name or IP address.

Company name and location.

After the certificate is successfully installed on your server, the application protocol (ie HTTP) is changed to HTTPs, which means 'S' is valid. Depending on the type of certificate you purchased and what browser you are using on the internet, the SSL certificate will display a lock or green stick in the browser when visiting the installed website.

 How does SSL certificate work ? 

SSL certificates use cryptocurrencies called public keys

This particular encryption type uses the power of two keys with long strings of randomly generated numbers. One is called a private key and the other is called a public key. The public key is known to your server and is available in a public area. It can be used to encrypt any message. For example; If a person sends a message to person B, it will lock them with the public key B, but the only way to decrypt the password is to open it with private key B. The only person who has a private key is B, so the only person who uses it to unlock A's message is B. If a hacker interferes with an unencrypted message, the only thing you can get is a cryptographic code that is not compromised by the computer's power. If you look at this example from the web side, the website is A and the server is B.

Why SSL certificate is important?

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