Correct Technology

Listening to customers and answering their questions takes the company one step ahead of its competitors. It is clear that customers no longer need to go to the store physically, and, like many things, it is possible to shop "online". Using online methods instead of offline methods is now both more effective and more cost-effective. Customers can search for any products and services in search engines and choose from many options. Thus, a company's communication with customers is of great importance. That's why online sales representatives should be on the pages that customers encounter when buying a product, and chatbots should be used.

What is Conversational Marketing?

What is Conversational Marketing?This conversation-based marketing form is a feedback-centric marketing method designed to improve customer loyalty, create strategies by better recognizing customers and target audience, and gain a new personalized marketing option. Using this feedback-based approach in marketing helps to increase brand recognition and credibility, and provides a real conversational experience that allows current and potential customers to navigate directly between marketing and sales channels.

What are the advantages of Conversational Marketing? 

Conversation Marketing is the ability to have a personal conversation and a one-to-one targeted messaging system with your customer while shopping on your website. First of all, the influence of the "Individual Network" is great. Thus, addressing a customer by name can make such a difference. Concepts such as customer satisfaction, loyalty and trust have a very positive effect on the brand. It is known that brands that choose a personal conversation to attract the attention of the customer are more successful. The main functions in this marketing are smart routing, connecting potential customers to the necessary representatives, depending on the sales area. In other words, this marketing strategy provides smart, responsive sales representatives who are ready to provide service 24/7.

Conversation Marketing How to connect with customers.

Conversation The role of artificial intelligence in marketing.A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) department is created with the help of Conversation Marketing. Customer information such as orders, visits, price lists, work addresses is collected and stored. Thus, many problems are solved in a shorter period of time, for example, the reason why the customer returns the product or complains is better understood and they are best served. Smart chatbots that communicate with customers and exist every hour of the day on the website increase time savings and performance. In other words, there is no need to monitor employees. Chatbots make it easier for customers to find and buy their favorite products, while also reducing the workload of other employees and giving them the time they need for other tasks.

Conversation The role of artificial intelligence in marketing.

An important element in Conversation Marketing is chatbots based on artificial intelligence. Chatbots designed for companies give customers the answer they want quickly. Thus, there is always an "agent" who is really interested in them late at night or early in the morning. Chatbot is a program controlled by AI (Artificial Intelligence) and simulates real interaction with customers through a conversational interface. They can talk to the customer as a real person and communicate with people via the web. Because of the use of artificial intelligence, they can easily understand people's correspondence, and the more they talk, the "smarter" they become as they learn new words. According to Google Trends, the search volume for the word "chatbot" and related keywords has increased 20 times in recent years. Many companies around the world now communicate in this way with their customers. Thus, Conversation Marketing has become one of the most effective methods of digital marketing.

Mehriban Atakishizada

Mehriban Atakishizada

SMM Manager

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