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What is digital and traditional marketing?

What is digital and traditional marketing?

It is debatable how accurate it is to call digital marketing new, but there is no doubt that it has become more widespread in recent years. Digital Marketing is a way to develop brands, products and services and integrate into the digital world, using interactive methods such as smartphones, computers, tablets, digital billboards to connect with business partners and consumers. This is the main difference from traditional marketing: Digital marketing uses digital channels, is customer-oriented, innovative and modern. The target audience is offered a wide choice and experience.

TV, magazine, radio, newspaper, printed newsletter, flyer, brochure, etc. are included in the traditional field of marketing. Social media channels, email marketing, web advertising, blogs are the main examples of digital marketing. Sometimes it can be confusing for businesses to prepare their marketing budgets digitally or traditionally. But in reality, digital and traditional marketing are inseparable, and a sufficient budget must be allocated for both.

Advantages of traditional marketing:

It is very easy to achieve local goals using traditional methods. It is possible to reach many people who will be interested in you by placing an advertisement on a local radio or newspaper. In this case, the message is more understandable because the message is broadcast in a simple television / radio language. Also, advertisements broadcast in the traditional environment are remembered more than advertisements in the digital environment.

Disadvantages of Traditional Marketing:

Advertising budgets and advertising creation costs are high because the general public prefers traditional marketing appeals to visual or print media. You can't always get the interaction you expect. An advertisement on television can enter every home, but how many advertisements are watched on TV? Television commercials are actually used for more prestige, and therefore large brands dominate in this area. Lastly, it is difficult and even impossible to measure results because estimating how many people will see your ad is really challenging.

Advantages of digital marketing:

Digital marketing has many advantages: analyzing customer behavior, producing new business models, measuring your target audience, being a 24/7 accessible resource, creating a competitive environment, and being more profitable than traditional marketing activities. Traditional marketing is more expensive, while digital marketing reaches more people at a lower cost.Advantages of digital marketing

With digital marketing methods, you can easily reach people of all ages and nationalities by identifying your target audience on Google or relevant social media channels. By using this method, you simplify the process, do not tire the customer and the customer is more satisfied with the service. You can communicate faster with your audience in a digital marketing environment. People are much more aware of a campaign you start.

What is Phygital Marketing? 

Based on the movement of the physical and digital world as a whole, the concept of "Phygital" emerges as a marketing method that combines physical and digital experiences to reach the consumer in the most accurate and measurable way. One of the trends of recent years is to use the concept of physical (traditional) together with digital. Phygital marketing is more commonly used in areas such as finance and banking, hotels, retail and gaming.

Mehriban Atakishizada

Mehriban Atakishizada

SMM Manager

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