Correct Technology

The constant progress of the Internet has changed plenty of  common activities. One of these activities is the promotion of the advertising sector to the internet. Because of the accelerated popularity of Internet advertising, Google ads have become one of the most-used advertising models in today's world. Google ads are popular because 89% of Internet users use Google's search engine. There are two kinds of Google ads. These are Google AdWords and Google AdSense.

Google is one of the most popular websites today, so many companies advertise using Google AdWords ads. Lots of advertisers use AdWords to keep their web site in search results in line with their keywords. Additionally, ads appearing as a result of certain keywords may also appear on the right or at the bottom of the page.  To make ads look like in this way, the advertiser should mark the plan and budget, such as title, text, URL. Created ads can be displayed in any country and any region. Target can be selected in factors such as mass, age range, gender.

Google Reklamları, Adsense və Adwords Reklamları

Set up a keyword in AdWords

When you decide to advertise via Google, it means you take much more responsibilities. One of them is the definition of keywords..

  • Searching about the ad : The ads on the website should be researched. Therefore, Internet users can learn which keywords they use to find ads
  •  Simple and short keyword selection: Short and simple words should be selected in the keyword selection.
  •  Explore the adwords ad keys: Upon searching for facts in the system, the most searched words and the most prominent keywords are selected.

Reliable and Quality Website Design:

You need to create a trusted place for web sites to rank in Google ads. The security and quality of Google policies are in the foreground.

Clicks and Daily Visitors:

Increasing the number of clicks after Google ads are published also expanding the number of daily visitors. This  allows the website to rank top in the Google rankings as well.

Google AdSense Ads

The other Google ads are Adsense ads. Google Adsense ads are a service that allows individuals with a web site to earn money over content they publish. Adsense due to site content and users who visit the site; Identifies text ads and video ads with the site. These ads are created by people who want to promote their products. Advertising individuals will pay variously for each ad and the money they will acquire will also change. Adsense ads work in 3 stages. These are;

Google Reklamları, Adsense və Adwords Reklamları

  • Make ad spaces available: Site owners decide which site the ads will bring with the ad code posted on the site.
  •  Ads  with the highest paying  appear above the site: Advertisers offer a real-time auction for ad sites on the site. The most valuable advertising website is shown on the site.
  • Taking payment: Website owners will receive payments for their ads. Google solves problems in any case between advertisers and networks in any  case possible.